Ein neuer Hund zieht ein oder Du bist einfach auf der Suche nach einem neuem Halsband für Deinen Liebling? Dann fragst Du Dich vielleicht: Wie finde ich heraus, welche Halsbandgröße ich für meinen Hund brauche?
Die Antwort ist einfach: Um die richtige Halsbandgröße für Deinen Hund zu ermitteln, musst Du einfach nur den Halsumfang Deines Hundes messen!
Doch was zunächst so leicht klingt, kann sich doch als schwieriger herausstellen, schließlich muss die gemessene Länge anschließend korrekt auf die gewünschte Hundehalsband-Art übertragen werden. Unser Blogbeitrag verrät Dir, wie das geht und was Du sonst noch zum Thema Halsbandgröße Hund wissen musst!

How do I measure a dog's neck size?
To measure your dog's neck size correctly, you simply need to follow three steps:
1. Find the right spot
Many dog owners ask themselves where the dog collar is measured? The answer is actually quite simple! To measure the right place on your dog's neck, you need to find the spot on your dog's neck where you want the chain or collar to end up.
2. Not too tight, not too loose
To ensure that the collar fits correctly at the end, it is important to take enough time and be thorough when measuring. The best way to do this is with a flexible measuring tape or a string and a folding rule/ruler.
Place the measuring tape on your dog so that it lies against the coat and can be moved easily. You should still be able to slide a finger between the tape measure and the dog's neck.
3. Compare with what you have
Do you already have a well-fitting collar? Perfect!
Then you can use it to check your measurements. This is also a great alternative if you don't have your dog to measure at the moment.
How do I choose the right collar size for my dog?
Your dog must also be correctly measured for a collar, as this is the only way to achieve a secure fit that is also comfortable for the dog. At SPRENGER, we offer two types of collars: Adjustable and non-adjustable collars.

How to measure dog collars for adjustable collars?
Many collars are adjustable using buckles or sliders. This not only makes them perfect for dogs that are still growing, but is also more forgiving of measurement inaccuracies.
Our SPRENGER nylon collars are adjustable and come in two collar lengths: 30 - 45 cm and 40 - 55 cm.
To choose the right collar size, first measure the size of your dog's neck and make sure that there is enough space between the tape measure and the dog's neck. We then recommend allowing a 2-3 cm buffer to allow for the clasp and to ensure that the collar is not too tight. We recommend that you either choose the collar length in which the achieved value is in the middle or the length in which the value is in the lower range if your dog is still growing.

How to measure dog collars for non-adjustable collars?
Braided collars in particular, such as our SPRENGER paracord collars, often have a fixed length and are not adjustable. Therefore, measuring your dog correctly and choosing the right length is just as important here as with our chains.
Basically, you can proceed in the same way as with an adjustable collar: dog's neck circumference + 2 - 3 cm. Then choose the appropriate, next larger length from the collar lengths on offer.
Please note: If your dog tends to have a very thick winter coat and will be wearing the chosen collar all year round, you should increase the buffer to be added slightly and add 5 cm instead.
How do I choose the right chain length for my dog?
Finding the right chain length for your dog is actually not as difficult as it might seem. You need to keep the following in mind: The SPRENGER chain lengths given are always measured from one end of the chain to the other, i.e. from end ring to end ring. This means that, depending on the type of chain, the specified length may not correspond to the maximum neck circumference.

Choosing the chain length for chains with an assembly chain
As SPRENGER chains with assembly chains are not adjustable and have to be pulled over your dog's head, it is particularly important to choose the right length.
To do this, measure your dog's neck size as described and add 8 cm to your measurement. Then choose the chain length that corresponds to this measurement or is longer.
Please note: To be on the safe side, you should measure your dog's head at the widest point (usually just before the ears) then proceed as for the neck circumference and make sure that your chosen length is greater than the head circumference.

Chain length for 2 mm chains with assembly chain
The same principle applies to our new 2 mm chains as to the larger models, the difference is that you only need to add 5 cm to your measurements instead of 8 cm, as the assembly chains are shorter on these chains.

Choose the chain length for chains without a pull stop
As SPRENGER chains without a pull stop are also not adjustable and have to be pulled over your dog's head and while also having less leeway than chains with an assembly chain, you should pay particular attention to choosing the right size.
You should add 5 cm to the circumference of your dog's neck and choose the chain length according to the result.
Please note: Here too, you should compare the chain length with the circumference of your dog's head to make sure that the chain fits over the widest part of your dog's head.

Chain length for 2 mm chains without pull stop
The same principle applies to our new 2 mm chains as to their larger counterparts, with one difference: add only 3 cm to your measurement instead of 5 cm, because the rings at the end of the chain are smaller here.

Choosing the chain length for chains with hooks
SPRENGER chains with hooks are adjustable and do not need to be pulled over your dog's head. As with other adjustable collars, you can therefore choose the length to suit your dog's neck size.

Choosing the chain length for NeckTech collars
SPRENGER NeckTech collars with ClicLock fastener also do not need to be pulled over your dog's head. As with adjustable collars, you can therefore choose the length to suit your dog's neck size.