In equestrian sport, it's not just the skill of the rider and the quality of the horse that counts, but also the quality of the equipment. After all, as a team you should be able to rely on your equipment. For over 150 years, SPRENGER spurs of the highest quality. In addition to the particularly popular ULTRA fit spurs, which adapt perfectly to the riding boot, there are always further developments, such as the bootprotect spurs, which protect the boot leather and stand out with a particularly slim design. Another particularly innovative development in this area is the fair rider spurs from Sprenger. These modern spurs bring a breath of fresh air to the world of equestrian sport and set new standards for horse-friendliness and animal welfare. Let's take a look at what makes fair Rider spursn so special and how they differ from conventional spurs.
Riding with spurs
Spurs in general are by no means an alternative to the driving leg, they are much more used to refine the aids. The correct use of spurs must be practiced and the choice of the right spur depends on many factors. You can read more about this in our blog post 'How to find the right spurs'.
The length of the spurs does not necessarily say anything about the 'strength' of the impact, much more a longer spur allows a faster contact to the horse's belly, which can be particularly helpful for riders with longer legs to prevent an unsteady leg.
Wheel spurs or spurs without wheel?
Whether the choice falls on wheel spurs or spurs with a flat or rounded spike depends on the desired effect on the one hand and on the sensitivity of the horse on the other. In principle, the correct use of all spur models is a prerequisite for horse-friendly riding, but it can be said that spurs with a flat neck end can have a stronger effect than Wheel spurs with a ball wheel. In contrast to the more punctual action of spurs with a spike, wheel spurs, such as Ballwheel spurs or oursComfort Roller Spurs the advantage that they roll off the horse's belly and are therefore gentle on the coat and skin, even on sensitive horses. As a general rule, the wider the wheel, the softer the impact. TheComfort Roller Super Soft are a good example of this.
fair Rider Sporen für eine sanfte Einwirkung
Wer eine noch sanftere wünscht, z.B. weil das Jungpferd vorsichtig an den Sporen herangeführt werden soll, oder benötigt wird, weil das Pferd besonders zuckig am Bein ist, oder geschoren besonders sensibel auf den bisher genutzten Sporen reagiert, dann lohnt es sich die fair Rider Sporen in Erwägung zu ziehen.
Highlights der fair Rider Sporen
Sanfte, abgerundete Impulsfläche: Die breiten Auflageflächen mit sanften Abrundungen bieten eine besonders weiche Einwirkung, die dennoch präzise erfolgt und dem Pferd ein klares Signal übermittelt. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Sporen mit Dorn minimiert die abgerundete Form der fair Rider Druck- und Scheuerstellen.
Ultimativer Komfort: Nicht nur für dein Pferd, dank der abgerundeten und breiten Einwirkungsfläche, sondern auch für den Reiter, denn das leichte Aluminium des Sporenbügels reduziert da Gewicht der Sporen und sorgt für ein angenehmes Tragegefühl. Die intelligente Sporenriemenführung sorgt für einen guten und sicheren Sitz am Stiefel.
Farbenfroh: Schwarz, silber oder blau? Du hast die Wahl. Sowohl die Träger als auch die Bügel der fairRider Sporen sind in je drei verschiedenen Farben und Farbkombinationen erhältlich. Und die matte Oberfläche der Sporen sorgt obendrein immer für eine schlichte, elegante Optik am Fuß.
Our fair rider spurs are particularly suitable for this:
- Horses in coat change: These spurs offer gentle and precise communication, which is particularly beneficial during the change of coat.
- Thigh-sensitive horses: When horses are sensitive to spurs, the fairRider spurs ensure gentle and effective contact.
- Horses that are blunt on the leg: For sensitizing horses that show little reaction to normal spurs, the fairRider spurs offer a gentle alternative.
- Young horses: They help with getting used to spurs without overtaxing the horse.
- Beginners: For riders who are new to spurs, these models are ideal as their gentle design makes it easier to get started
The fairRider spurs are available in three different versions: thick rounded, thin rounded and round flattened. Each of these versions offers different advantages and customization options. In addition, you can choose from three different colors for the spur stirrups and plastic neck. The size and shape of the impulse surface determine the gentleness of the impact:The larger and rounder the surface, the gentler the contact. With the flattened models, the intensity of the impact can also be individually adjusted using different leg positions.
You were wondering why all the 20-25 mm variants have a rather long spur neck? Quite simply, so you achieve a smaller distance between your leg and the horse's belly. You are faster with the spur on the horse and can maintain a calm leg position. Convince yourself of the effect of the fairRider and tell us about your experiences!