
314 of 314 shown
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Nathe Unterlegtrense 15 mm einfach gebrochen | 40108_00_1.png | 1729315749Nathe Unterlegtrense 15 mm einfach gebrochen | 40238_00_1.png | 1729315751
Sale price134,90 €
Sold out
Pony Wassertrense 15 mm Edelstahl rostfrei | 40112_56.png | 1732112463
Pony Loose Ring snaffle 15 mm - Stainless steel
Sale price27,90 €
Kupfer Rollengebiss D Ring 13 mm | 40155_00.png | 1729315674
Copper-Roller D-Ring 13 mm
Sale price49,90 €
Dynamic Pony / Island Gebiss 12 mm einfach gebrochen | 40216_105_78.png | 1729315631Dynamic Pony / Island Gebiss 12 mm einfach gebrochen | Unterlegtrense_Pony_1.png | 1729371998
Dynamic Pony / Iceland bit 12 mm single jointed
Sale price114,90 €
KK Unterlegtrense 14 mm einfach gebrochen | 40222_78.png | 1729315711KK Unterlegtrense 14 mm einfach gebrochen | Praegung_KK_Auschnitt.png | 1729315713
KK bradoon 14 mm single jointed
Sale price119,90 €
Dynamic RS Olivenkopf Unterlegtrense mit D förmigem Ring 14 mm einfach gebrochen | 40245_78.png | 1729315632
Sale price159,90 €
Dynamic RS Olivenkopf Unterlegtrense 14 mm einfach gebrochen Sensogan | 40249_78.png | 1729315633Dynamic RS Olivenkopf Unterlegtrense 14 mm einfach gebrochen Sensogan | Sensogan_Pfeil_freigestellt.png | 1729315662
Sale price159,90 €
SATINOX Unterlegtrense einfach gebrochen Edelstahl rostfrei | 40261_125_56.png | 1729371915
Pronamic Unterlegtrense 14 mm einfach gebrochen Sensogan | 40270_78.png | 1729371904Pronamic Unterlegtrense 14 mm einfach gebrochen Sensogan | Pronamic_03.png | 1732112482
Pronamic bradoon 14 mm single jointed - Sensogan
Sale price144,90 €
novocontact Olivenkopfgebiss mit D förmigem Ring einfach gebrochen Sensogan | 40344_78_png.png | 1729343184novocontact Olivenkopfgebiss mit D förmigem Ring einfach gebrochen Sensogan | Olive_D-Ring_07.png | 1729371984
novocontact Eggbutt bit with D-shaped rings 14 mm single jointed - Sensogan
Sale price164,90 €
Nathe Olivenkopftrense 18 mm einfach gebochen | 40347_00.png | 1732112469
Sale price164,90 €
Olivenkopf Unterlegtrense 16 mm einfach gebrochen | 40362_78.png | 1729346046
Eggbutt bradoon 16 mm single jointed
Sale priceFrom 134,90 €
novocontact Olivenkopf Unterlegtrense 14 mm einfach gebrochen Sensogan | 40363_78.png | 1729343185novocontact Olivenkopf Unterlegtrense 14 mm einfach gebrochen Sensogan | Sensogan_Pfeil_freigestellt.png | 1729315662
SATINOX Olivenkopftrense 14 mm einfach gebrochen Edelstahl rostfrei | 40373_125_56.png | 1729371917
Olivenkopf 16 mm Edelstahl rostfrei | 40376_56.png | 1729315675
Eggbutt bit 16 mm - Stainless steel
Sale price44,90 €
Olivenkopf 16 mm Sensogan | 40378_78.png | 1729346046Olivenkopf 16 mm Sensogan | Olivenkopf_01.png | 1729371957
Eggbutt bit 16 mm - Sensogan
Sale price143,90 €
Olivenkopf 18 mm Mundstück hohl Edelstahl rostfrei | 40380_56.png | 1733941175
Sale price44,90 €
Dynamic RS Olivenkopfgebiss mit D förmigem Ring 16 mm einfach gebrochen | 40408_78_png.png | 1729315638Dynamic RS Olivenkopfgebiss mit D förmigem Ring 16 mm einfach gebrochen | 40408_2.png | 1729315637
Sale price159,90 €
Dynamic RS Shinebright Olivenkopfgebiss mit D förmigem Ring 16 mm einfach gebrochen | 40408_C_Chrysolite.png | 1732112409Dynamic RS Shinebright Olivenkopfgebiss mit D förmigem Ring 16 mm einfach gebrochen | Shinebright_Kristalle.png | 1729315745
Sale price179,90 €
KK D Ring 16 mm Sensogan | 40411_78.png | 1729315712KK D Ring 16 mm Sensogan | Praegung_KK_Auschnitt.png | 1729315713
KK D-Ring 16 mm - Sensogan
Sale price144,90 €
Dynamic RS Wassertrense einfach gebrochen | 40422_78_png.png | 1729315642Dynamic RS Wassertrense einfach gebrochen | Wassertrense_15.png | 1729372030
Sale price134,90 €
Dynamic RS Shinebright Wassertrense 16 mm einfach gebrochen | 40422_C_Chrysolite.png | 1732112430Dynamic RS Shinebright Wassertrense 16 mm einfach gebrochen | Shinebright_Kristalle.png | 1729315745
Dynamic RS Loose Ring 16 mm single jointed
Sale price154,90 €
SATINOX Aufziehtrense 14 mm einfach gebrochen Edelstahl rostfrei | 40429_56_2.png | 1729371918
Dynamic RS Aufziehtrense 16 mm einfach gebrochen Sensogan | 40441_78.png | 1729315648
Sale price164,90 €

SPRENGER bits - perfection for horse and rider

For decades, SPRENGER bits have stood for the highest quality, innovative technologies and precise craftsmanship. As a means of communication between rider and horse, the bit transmits the aids from the reins to the horse's sensitive mouth, making it essential to choose a bit that not only fits well, but is also perfectly tailored to the horse's needs. SPRENGER's diverse range offers the right solution for every horse and every riding style - from single-jointed bits to double-jointed bits and bar bits, from loose ring snaffles to weymouth bits.


Features and advantages of SPRENGER bits

The range of SPRENGER bits includes various designs that have been specially developed to make communication between rider and horse as precise and mouth-friendly as possible. Innovative technologies such as the 45° rotation of the joints, as in the SPRENGER KK ULTRA and SPRENGER TURNADO bits, are used to ensure even pressure distribution on the tongue and promote constant contact. In addition, the SPRENGER novocontact range offers bits with a unique shape that enables a low bit thickness with a wide contact surface for fine but precise aids.


SPRENGER single jointed and double jointed bits

One of the key distinguishing features of bits is the type of mouthpiece. Single jointed SPRENGER bits transfer the rein aids to the edges of the tongue and relieve pressure on the middle of the tongue. This makes them the ideal solution for horses that find pressure on the middle of the tongue uncomfortable. Double jointed SPRENGER bits, such as the popular SPRENGER DYNAMIC RS models, distribute the pressure more evenly and reduce the pressure on the edges of the tongue. SPRENGER bits with mullen mouth offer the most even distribution of pressure, but do not allow one-sided aids, so these bits are only a good choice for well-trained horses that are sufficiently responsive to leg and weight aids.


Different side pieces for different needs

In addition to the structure of the mouthpiece, the side pieces of the bit also play an important role. SPRENGER offers a wide range of variants that have been developed for different horses and requirements:

  • SPRENGER eggbut bit: the SPRENGER eggbut offers a quiet position in the horse's mouth and also a slight lateral limitation. It is ideal for horses that need support when turning or those that tend to have sensitive corners of the mouth.

  • SPRENGER loose ring snaffle: The SPRENGER loose ring snaffle is a classic among bits. It is characterized by its movable rings, which give a little leeway when giving aids by slightly cushioning the aids or movements of the horse's mouth. The bit is also popular for training young horses.

  • SPRENGER D-ring bit: This bit offers good lateral support thanks to the D-shaped rings and prevents the bit from being pulled sideways through the mouth. At the same time, the mouthpiece lies particularly quietly on the tongue. It is particularly popular with

  • SPRENGER full cheek snaffle: The SPRENGER full cheek snaffle provides the rider with particularly good lateral control. The shanks give the bit additional stability, which makes it ideal for horses that need even more support when turning. This is why the full cheek snaffle is also very popular in show jumping.


Other SPRENGER bits - weymouth bits, Pelhams and bradoons

In addition to the classic snaffle bits, SPRENGER also offers special types of bits such as weymouth bits and Pelhams. These bits are generally used in higher dressage classes and in show jumping:

  • SPRENGER weymouth bit: The weymouth bit enables precise and finely tuned action on the poll thanks to its lever action. It is often used in high dressage to transmit aids even more finely. SPRENGER weymouths are available with a short shank (also known as a baby weymouth) or with a long shank.

  • SPRENGER Pelham: The Pelham combines leverage and normal action on the tongue and lower jaw with its various rein attachment options, making it a versatile bit solution for show jumping and eventing.

  • Sprenger bradoon bit: The bradoon is usually used in combination with the weymouth bit and provides additional flexibility and finer rein aids. Due to the small rings and low bit thickness, it is also a good choice as a snaffle bit for ponies.


Materials of SPRENGER bits

SPRENGER attaches great importance to the use of high-quality materials. Most of the bits are made of the tried and tested SENSOGAN material, which promotes optimum acceptance in the horse's mouth and stimulates saliva production thanks to its composition. SENSOGAN therefore helps to ensure that the horse is happy to accept the bit and can work in a relaxed manner. A more traditional bit material that doesn't offer any chewing promoting properties is stainless steel.


Why SPRENGER bits?

Whether you are looking for a single or double jointed bit, a loose ring snaffle, an eggbut bit or a weymouth bit - you are guaranteed to find the right solution for your requirements in the extensive range of SPRENGER bits. With innovative technologies such as SPRENGER KK Ultra, Turnado and novocontact, the bits not only ensure harmonious communication between rider and horse, but also promote your horse's well-being. Discover the world of SPRENGER bits and optimize your riding experience with high-quality, perfectly fitting bits!

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