The Many Benefits of Equestrian Sports: A Holistic Approach to Personal Growth
Equestrian sport is much more than physical activity - it strengthens fitness, mental health and social skills and has a particularly positive effect on the personal development of children and you...

Maulkörbe für Hunde haben oft einen schlechten Ruf und werden mit negativen Stereotypen in Verbindung gebracht. Erfahre hier alles Wichtige rund um den Maulkorb!

Hempaspeed TF - The innovative solution for antifouling coating according to VC 17m
How can VC® 17m be simply painted over? And what options do I have if I want to apply a sustainable, biocide-free fouling protection? In our article, you can find out everything about the VC® 17m b...

Unsicher wie Du die Halsbandgröße Deines Hundes herausfindest? Unser Blogbeitrag verrät es Dir!

The dog whistle - your perfect training tool
The dog whistle is a great tool for dog training. Find out exactly how it works and what you need to know about the dog whistle here!

SPRENGER System 4 Steigbügel im Praxistest
Caro von dem Account sunny_kiss hat die SPRENGER System 4 Steigbügel getestet und ihre Erfahrung auf eine sehr besondere Weise beschrieben: "Ein ganz normaler Reitplatz an einem Tag wie jeder ander...

Measuring for a dog harness can sometimes be a real challenge. We have summarized what you need to know about dog harness fit and dog harness size in this blog post!

DOGlive Münster – Messe & Event
Die DOGlive ist die Hundemesse in Münster und für alle Hundebesitzer genau das Richtige. Teil des unglaublich breiten Angebots auf der Messe ist diese Jahr auch SPRENGER. Erfahre hier mehr!

Looking for the right dog sport for you and your dog? Discover the most popular dog sports here!

Find out all about mullen mouth bits! What advantages and disadvantages do they offer and for which horses are they a good option? We shed some light on the subject!

SPRENGER x Ingrid Klimke Collection
Together with our longtime partner Ingrid Klimke, we have designed a unique collection with our and your favorite products! Find out all about the collection here.