What is dog sports?
Dog sports can look as different as the dogs and people who practice them. However, no matter what kind of dog sport it is, the goal of dog sport remains the same: the greatest possible harmony between humans and dogs.
Dog sport is characterized by the (usually physical) exercise of the dog according to its abilities and fitness, in which the owner also plays a (physically) active role.
The sporting ambition and the level of activity can be chosen individually and differ depending on the type of sport, so that dog sports are actually suitable for every person and dog!
Why dog sports?
Dog sports are a great way to exercise your dog physically and mentally, have fun together and work on your bond and communication. This also has many advantages for everyday life with your dog!
Depending on the breed, it can be useful to find out in advance which dog sports will stimulate your dog's natural instincts and thus channel and fulfill them.
Of course, there is no such thing as a dog breed that can only be kept busy with one specific type of dog sport. Nevertheless, there are tendencies: hunting dogs with a particularly strong sense of smell can perhaps enjoy tracking work, while agile and intelligent dogs such as Border Collies can have fun with agility and water-loving Labradors can let off steam with dog diving.
From the point of view of working dog sports enthusiasts, dog sports also have other important social functions. You can read more about working dog sports here.

Dog sports overview
Whether classic dog sports, trend sports for dogs or dog sports for everyday life – today there are many different dog sports, so that every dog-human team can find the sport that suits them.
Are you still looking? Our list of dog sports gives you an overview of some of the most popular dog sports:
- Tracking
- Protection work
- Obedience
- Rally Obedience
- Agility
- Hoopers
- Canicross
- Bikejörging
- Flyball
- Dog Dancing
- Dog Diving
- Dog Frisbee
We have explained some of the most popular sports that you can do with your dog in more detail - just read on!

What is tracking work?
Tracking is a type of dog sport that relies on the dog's instinct to search and is therefore a suitable form of exercise. However, it requires a lot of practice to be carried out correctly as a dog sport and not just a search game.
The aim of tracking is for the dog to follow a previously laid trail precisely. The difficulty can be increased by adding turns, objects to be indicated and longer distances between laying the track and the actual search.
This dog sport has little to do with speed, but instead requires a high level of concentration from the dog-human team and good training and guidance of the dog by the human.

What is protection work?
Protection work or Schutzdienst is probably one of the most controversial dog sports. It often appears to outsiders as if dogs are being “ aggressed” and thus made dangerous. However, the aim of protection training is quite different: with the right training, dogs with strong instincts can learn to remain obedient even in extreme situations, listen to commands and generally distinguish between situations.
In protection work, the dog is trained on the sleeve of a helper. This sleeve is seen by the dog as prey, not the human!
In protection tests, the dog is confronted with various situations and tasks which it must master under the guidance of its handler. Recall and control are the top priorities here and demonstrate the bond and optimum communication between the dog and human team.

What is obedience dog sports?
Obedience is a dog sport that is less about top physical performance, speed and action and more about concentration, control and communication between dog and human.
Some of the exercises are already familiar from companion dog tests or working dog tests, but are combined and expanded in a new way in obedience. An important aspect of obedience is distance control.
As obedience is a less physical sport compared to other dog sports and can instead be classified more as a mental sport, it is also suitable for older or physically impaired dogs.

What is Rally Obedience?
Rally obedience is a dog sport originating in the USA that has developed from classic obedience and has been mixed with agility to offer more speed and even more fun for dogs and humans.
The rally obedience course consists of up to 24 different stations that must be mastered in the correct order and within a certain time. Each station is equipped with corresponding signs showing the exercises to be completed.
In Rally Obedience, intensive communication through body language, hand signals and sometimes even treats is allowed between dog and human to keep up motivation and fun. All this makes this dog sport perfect for all people and dogs, regardless of age or handicap.
As the course is set up differently each time, variety and challenge are guaranteed and it's a great way to work on communication and bonding with your dog!

What is agility?
Agility is a dog sport that is also great fun for many dogs in the hobby scene for physical and mental exercise. The great thing is that agility not only promotes bonding with the dog and fitness for both dog and human, but can also be performed by dogs of all sizes and breeds!
The aim of agility is to complete a course together with the dog without making any mistakes and as quickly as possible. This can consist of various obstacles such as walls, hurdles, sloping walls, catwalks, seesaws, table or long jumps, tunnels, tires and slaloms. Verbal and non-verbal communication and trust between dog and handler are put to the test here. This dog sport particularly promotes the dog's coordination.
What is Hoopers?
Hoopers is still a relatively unknown dog sport, which at first glance can easily be confused with agility.
In hoopers, dog-human teams also have to complete a course of various obstacles without making any mistakes. The difference to agility is that there are no jumps as part of the course in hoopers. Instead, it consists of obstacles such as arches, tunnels, barrels and fences. The order, distance and number of obstacles vary depending on ability and class. Another difference is the role of the handler, who is only allowed to stay in a defined lead area in hoopers and does not run along with the dog - so communication through body language and visual and auditory signals is put to the test. As with agility, the focus in hoopers is on the dog's dexterity and the communication and teamwork between dog and handler.

Dog sports equipment
Are you wondering what you need to get started with dog sports? One thing above all: a desire to do it and fun working with your dog!
When it comes to the exact equipment and gear, it then depends on the type of dog sport you have chosen. If you haven't found a suitable dog sports club or dog trainer in your area to get a taste of the sport, we advise you to try it out for yourself! Often you don't even need professional facilities and equipment to take your first steps in obedience, agility or tracking - you can now find lots of great instructions and books online, and once you've caught the dog sports bug, it's time to buy more professional equipment.
For example, in pulling dog sports, a pulling harness is not just an outfit, it is important to avoid injuries and incorrect strain, and many dog sport competitions and tests also have strict requirements regarding the equipment of humans and dogs. You can find out more about the right equipment for dog sport trials here!