Unsicher wie Du die Halsbandgröße Deines Hundes herausfindest? Unser Blogbeitrag verrät es Dir!

The dog whistle - your perfect training tool
The dog whistle is a great tool for dog training. Find out exactly how it works and what you need to know about the dog whistle here!

Measuring for a dog harness can sometimes be a real challenge. We have summarized what you need to know about dog harness fit and dog harness size in this blog post!

DOGlive Münster – Messe & Event
Die DOGlive ist die Hundemesse in Münster und für alle Hundebesitzer genau das Richtige. Teil des unglaublich breiten Angebots auf der Messe ist diese Jahr auch SPRENGER. Erfahre hier mehr!

Looking for the right dog sport for you and your dog? Discover the most popular dog sports here!

Looking for inspiration for new dog tricks? Whether you're a beginner or advanced, there's something for everyone in our blog post!

So many dog owners wonder: dog harness or dog collar?Find out everything you need to know about dog harnesses in our guide!

Our tips: stay safe walking your dog in the dark
The dark season has begun: The perfect time to share tips on safety for dogs in the dark and the best ways to make your dog visible in the dark!

Looking for a gift for the dogs and dog owners in your life? Then check out our SPRENGER gift guide!

You’re getting a dog! What is essential equipment for dogs?
With a new dog moving in the excitement is huge. The right equipment helps you and your dog get off to the right start. Discover everything you need here including a PDF checklist for you to download!

When to replace a chain collar?
There comes a time when your chain collar needs to be replaced. Find out here how to know when it's time to replace your chain collar!

Tracking leashes are equally popular for large and small dogs. There are many different designs and possible applications - find out everything you need to know about tracking leashes here.