Sprenger Magazine

Produkttest: SPRENGER Bow Balance in der Reitschule
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SPRENGER System 4 Steigbügel im Praxistest

SPRENGER System 4 Steigbügel im Praxistest

Caro von dem Account sunny_kiss hat die SPRENGER System 4 Steigbügel getestet und ihre Erfahrung auf eine sehr besondere Weise beschrieben: "Ein ganz normaler Reitplatz an einem Tag wie jeder ander...

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SPRENGER x Ingrid Klimke Kollektion

SPRENGER x Ingrid Klimke Collection

Together with our longtime partner Ingrid Klimke, we have designed a unique collection with our and your favorite products! Find out all about the collection here.

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Baucher Gebisse

Baucher Bits

In this blog, we will introduce you to the advantages of our Baucher bits - the popular bit is known to have a special effect in the horse's mouth thanks to its special side parts and buckle, and t...

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SPRENGER Shine Bright Gebisse

SPRENGER Shine Bright Bits

Does your horse tend to be mouthy? Put an end to it! We offer you the best tips and recommendations so that you and your horse can master this challenge together. With SPRENGER, you two are perfect...

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Pronamic Gebisse

Pronamic Bits

In this blog, we present our new PRONAMIC bits - a bit developed by bit expert Heiko Schmidt-Sentek and the highly successful equestrian siblings Jessica von Bredow-Wendl and Benjamin Werndl. The P...

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Kindersteigbügel & Kindersporen

Children's Spurs and Stirrups

Especially for small shoe sizes: our spurs and stirrups in children's sizes. Why are there children's stirrups and what are the advantages? You can find out this and much more in the article.

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Welches Seitenteil sollte ich wählen?

Which Cheekpiece should I Choose?

How exactly does a loose ring snaffle work? What is the difference between eggbut, D-ring and full cheek snaffles? When should I use a 3-ring bit and when should I opt for a Pelham?

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Die Kandare richtig anpassen

Correctly Fitting the Double Bridle

How is a weymouth bit correctly buckled and what do I have to pay attention to when choosing the two bits? Our tips will help you make the switch to a double bridle.

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Pony Bits

The SPRENGER range also offers anatomically shaped bits for ponies and Icelandic horses, which are specially designed for the conditions in the horse's mouth and connection problems.

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Welches Gebiss für ein mauliges Pferd?


Does your horse tend to be mouthy? Put an end to it! We offer you the best tips and recommendations so that you and your horse can master this challenge together. With SPRENGER, you two are perfect...

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Welches Gebiss wenn das Pferd übermäßig kaut?


Does your horse tend to be mouthy? Put an end to it! We offer you the best tips and recommendations so that you and your horse can master this challenge together. With SPRENGER, you two are perfect...

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