Stirrups for Knee Problems

by Felicitas, May 31, 2024

Joint-friendly stirrups from SPRENGER

Our jointed stirrups have a movable System 4 joint that allows the foot to move freely when riding, thus relieving strain on tendons, ligaments and joints. The joint gives the stirrup a special flexibility that releases the foot much better in the event of a fall. SPRENGER stirrups therefore offer increased comfort as well as greater safety in the saddle.

What test riders say about our jointed stirrups

Riders have tested our Bow Balance and Flexcite stirrups in independent product tests. The further developments of the System-4 stirrups have a specially curved shape that balances the stirrup perfectly and supports an optimum leg position. The System-4 joints of the stirrups provide positive feedback, especially from riders with knee problems. They report little to no discomfort even after long rides. The joints of the stirrups allow the lower leg to move in a flexible manner when riding, which relieves pressure on the joints and can also improve the rider's seat.

In addition to the relieving properties, many riders are impressed by the quality of the wide tread. Even when wet, thanks to the different rubber hardnesses and replaceable grip inserts, it does not become slippery and offers reliable grip. The weight of the stirrup makes it easier to pick up and supports a stable leg position.

Advantages of Bow Balance stirrups

  • System-4 joint for comfort and optimum safety

  • Comfortable and shock-absorbing - gentle on joints and ligaments

  • optimum balance thanks to extra wide tread and curved shape

  • various stirrup treads for better grip

  • available in 3 tread widths and 3 colors

Advantages of Sprenger Flexcite stirrups

  • comfortable and shock-absorbing - gentle on joints and ligaments

  • optimum balance thanks to extra wide tread and curved shape

  • perfectly balanced for optimum leg and foot position

  • hermetically sealed, waterproof and rustproof System 4 joint

  • optionally with grip inlay for a secure hold made of high-quality, rust-free stainless steel

  • available in matt or shiny design

Advantages of Sprenger System-4 stirrups

  • System-4 joint for comfort and optimum safety

  • Movable in four directions for maximum flexibility

  • special stability thanks to high strength

  • is still the epitome of comfortable and saddle-safe riding today

  • interchangeable tread with grip or rubber inlay

  • available in 3 tread widths

  • optionally with 90° turned stirrup strap eyelet

Non-slip stirrup treads

Our jointed stirrups have replaceable stirrup treads. On the one hand, this is practical if the stirrup treads need to be replaced over time, as you don't have to replace the entire stirrup. On the other hand, this also offers more flexibility, depending on which of the various stirrup treads is required. Our System 4 stirrups and Bow Balance models can be supplemented with a stainless steel stirrup tread to provide more grip. This gives you excellent grip even when riding through water and on rainy days. The Flexcite stirrup is also available in 2 versions: with a grip inlay or with a normal rubber inlay. Of course, you can also buy both stirrup inserts separately.

For those who want extra protection for their saddle, we recommend our stirrup covers. They fit over all SPRENGER stirrups and most common models. With the Bow Balance and Flexcite stirrups, the rubber coating also protects the saddle on its own.

Discover SPRENGER Jointed Stirrups

part of your passion.


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