LPO changes and SPRENGER products

by Felicitas, April 20, 2024

What's changing with the new LPO

With the latest changes to the performance test regulations (LPO), horse welfare is increasingly becoming the focus in German competition sport. From regulations that make it easier for older horses to enter the sport, to a limited number of tests that the youngest sport horses are allowed to take, to changes to the rider's permitted equipment, the new LPO requires attention before the next tournament start.

Which SPRENGER products are affected?

You ride with SPRENGER products and were wondering whether something will change for you?

With the LPO 2024, only spurs without a toothed wheel may be used in show jumping. Apart from that, the spurs may be a maximum of 40mm long from the boot to the end of the spike. Pay attention to the information under the product name in our store! The length stated in the product name only refers to the neck length, not the length from the boot!

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Alternative to spurs with pointed rowel

If you would like to stick with spurs with a rowel, we recommend spurs with a large ball wheel or spurs with a small ball wheel. Spurs with comfort rollers are also suitable as an alternative; the wide, soft wheels are particularly suitable for sensitive and coat-sensitive horses. Our ULTRA fit spurs can be perfectly adapted to the boot and have an optimum fit thanks to the Balkenhol fastening. The ULTRA fit EXTRA GRIP models are also covered with high-quality rubber, preventing the spurs from slipping and protecting the boot leather at the same time.

If you want to stick to a more selective action, we recommend spurs with a straight neck end. The popular ULTRA fit models are also available here as a SLIMLINE version for those who prefer a more delicate look. SPRENGER bootprotect spurs also have an internal rubber coating that protects the boot leather and guarantees a non-slip grip.

Alternative to spurs over 40mm long

Are you super happy with the spur model from SPRENGER and they are just a little too long for the new LPO requirements? No problem, we offer all our models in different spur lengths, so you can also find your current model in a shorter version and don't have to switch to another pair of spurs. Of course, you can still use your current spurs for training.

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The Bit Measure

New bit requirements for tests

The advanced (S) level dressage test is completely new with the LPO 2024. This will always be ridden on a double bridle, as the rider's suitability to ride with a double bridle is also to be tested. As usual, advanced (S**) level dressage tests will also be ridden on double bridle. Also new is an advanced (S) level dressage test for young horses, where (as with elementary (L) and advanced (S*) level tests) it can be specified in the invitation to tender whether the test is to be ridden on snaffle or double bridle.

The jumping test, similar to the jumping test for young horses, makes it easier for older horses from the age of 7 to enter the competition sport in classes A* to M**.

New is the familiarization jumping test according to the Clear Round judging procedure for 4-6-year-olds. Only single or double jointed bits are permitted in this test.



Still not quite sure whether your current equipment is allowed at your next competition? No problem, because the free EquiCert app will help you in no time at all. With a simple scan, you can find out immediately whether you are allowed to use the equipment in the planned test. You will also find important information from the LPO. And if your current equipment is not approved, you can quickly find suitable alternatives in the app. So nothing stands in the way of your next show start!

part of your passion.


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