You want to tackle the following topics
- first bit for your horse
- Bit for breaking in
- Horse has a lot of chaps
This is what you want from your new bit:
- an effective aid
- anatomically correct position in the horse's mouth
- a confident, constant contact
- even pressure distribution of the rein aid
KK ULTRA bit - the all-round talent
From the Remonte to the fully trained Professional athlete, inViereck or on theGeländestrecke, the KK ULTRA bits, with their special features, also ensure a high level of acceptance for Horses with a small mouth or a thin tongue. To meet all requirements, the KK ULTRA mouthpiece is available with a whole range of side pieces, from the classic Water snaffle, to the Universal bit. For horses that need to be supported with a lateral restraint, e.g. when riding turns, we also have Olivenkopfgebissen andD-Ring bits. For an additional effect on the poll, there is the KK ULTRA jumping curb bit, the KK ULTRA Universal Bit or3-Ring-Gebiss. For the double bridle you will findUnderlay snaffle with loose rings or fixed side pieces and the driving athletes will also find what they are looking for with aKK ULTRA Liverpoolkandare.
Das Besondere an unseren KK ULTRA Gebissen
Wie Du sicher schon weißt, beruht die Form der SPRENGER Gebisse auf wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen der Anatomie des Pferdemauls. Die moderne Pferdezucht hat deutlich kleinere und zierlichere Mäuler hervorgebracht, auf die sich die Gebisswelt einstellen musste. Die KK ULTRA Gebisse waren die ersten SPRENGER Gebisse, die über die intelligente Drehung des Mittelstücks verfügen und so für eine anatomisch korrekte Lage des Gebisses zwischen Zunge und Gaumenbogen sorgen.
Bei herkömmlichen doppelt gebrochenen Gebissen können die beiden Gelenkaugen unangenehm in Richtung Zunge und Gaumen drücken und liegen zudem auf Höhe der Unterkieferladen des Pferdes. Du kannst Dir sicherlich vorstellen, dass Druck, vor allem bei einer dünnen Zunge und spitzer geformten Laden sehr unangenehm für Dein Pferd werden kann. Die 45° Neigung der Olive lässt die Gelenkaugen flach auf der Zunge liegen, ohne Druck auf Gaumen oder Zunge auszuüben. Zusätzlich zur Neigung, ist das Mittelstück gekürzt worden, um die Gelenkaugen nicht direkt über den Unterkieferladen zu platzieren. So wird die Einwirkung und Akzeptanz des Gebisses im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen doppelt gebrochenen Gebissen deutlich verbessert. Bei Profis und Freizeitreitern aller Sparten sind die KK ULTRA Gebisse daher sehr beliebt und werden erfolgreich über alle Ausbildungsstufen hinweg eingesetzt.
Straight bit shape with lots of lips
Your horse has a lotFlesh of the lips? Then you should choose a straight bit shape, such as the KK ULTRA bits, instead of a curved one, such as .e.g. SPRENGER Dynamic RS bits. The reason is as follows: When the reins are tightened, the sides of the bit move slightly backwards and towards the corner of the mouth. If the shape is curved, the distance between the bit and the first molar is smaller, leaving little space for the lips. In horses with a lot of lip, this can quickly become trapped between the bit and the molar.
KK ULTRA bits for young horses
Are you looking for a bit for your horse to start training and want your four-legged friend to have confidence in the unfamiliar metal in its mouth? Then a suitable bit is particularly important. You can find out how to determine the right size here: How to find the right bit?
We recommend ourKK ULTRA water snaffle. The loose Ringsof the water snafflecan slide in the bit ring hole and thus cushion the movements caused by a restless horse's mouth or an inexperienced rider's hand. The anatomically adapted shape of the KK ULTRA bits with their 45° rotation of the olive ensures a comfortable position in the horse's mouth and exerts no pressure on the sensitive palate or stores. The Pressure on the tongue is distributed evenly across the width of the tongueevenly across the width of the tongue
Even though the double jointed water snaffle is particularly suitable for training young horses, it is still a True all-rounder and can be used as an Everyday bit in all disciplines. The SPRENGER KK ULTRA bits are also ideal for use as a snaffle bit.
To make your horse's new or even its first bit extra specialtasty All KK ULTRA models are made of SENSOGAN made of. This alloy from SPRENGER ensures a Targeted stimulation of salivation, which in turn stimulates chewing activity. The Chewing movement of the horse leads to a loose topline and the concentration on the bit. For a trusting contact with the bit and a motivated work attitude with your sports and leisure partner.