FlexDry Dehumidifier

by Felicitas, February 20, 2024

Put an end to steamed-up car windows, mouldy leather equipment in the stable or musty smells on your yacht - the FlexDry dehumidifier from SPRENGER was designed to efficiently remove excess humidity. We will convince you why the FlexDry is a must-have for every household.

The FlexDry dehumidifier is small, compact and extremely powerful. The special mixture of calcium chloride and starch can absorb up to 200% of its own weight and thus removes excess moisture from the surrounding air.

Where can the FlexDry be used?

Our dehumidifier is a real all-rounder and can be used wherever it is needed. The flat shape makes it easy to store and place anywhere for use. As soon as it is taken out of the plastic bag and comes into contact with the air, it is activated. Unpack, get set, go!

FlexDry in the stable

Your tack room is not heated and you want to protect your leather equipment such as saddle and bridle or riding boots from mould? The FlexDry dehumidifier will help you. Simply place it in your tack room and it will absorb the moisture and prevent mould. Thanks to its compact dimensions, it fits anywhere and can be positioned flexibly. Also perfect for the tack room in your horse trailer.

Dehumidifier To-Go

Comfort on the road: Car windscreens steam up more quickly in winter, obstructing your view. On cold days, the windscreen even freezes up from the inside. You can easily prevent this by placing the FlexDry dehumidifier in your car. The granulate reliably absorbs moisture from the air, preventing fogged-up windows and unpleasant odours. Also perfect for caravans and motorhomes to prevent mould during long periods of storage.

Dehumidifier for the home

The FlexDry can improve the indoor climate in cellars and rooms that tend to be damp, e.g. because the washing machine is located there or laundry is being dried. This little secret weapon can be placed inconspicuously and absorbs moisture from the room.

Dehumidifier for the boat

Whether in the cabin or where the sails are stowed, the FlexDry reliably protects against musty odours, corrosion, fogged windows and rust.

Environmentally Friendly Dehumidifier

The FlexDry consists of a non-hazardous granulate of starch and calcium chloride and can simply be disposed of with domestic waste. As more moisture is absorbed, the granules turn into a gel. Depending on the surrounding, the dehumidifier is effective for several months.

The FlexDry dehumidifier proves its worth time and time again, offering versatile solutions for combating moisture and improving comfort wherever you are. Convinced? Then buy the FlexDry individually or in a practical money-saving set today.

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