The water snaffle at a glance
Side parts: loose rings
Mouthpiece: single broken, double broken, straight bar, bar with free tongue
Fit: when correctly buckled, there should be no more than half a centimeter of space between the corner of the mouth and the bit ring on the left and right. The ring must always be able to move freely and must not pinch the corner of the mouth.
Our bestsellers:novocontactWater snaffle,TURNADOWater snaffle,NATHEWater snaffle
Did you know?
The term water snaffle has its origins in the Middle Ages. At that time, horses were ridden with curb bits and were given a 'water snaffle' instead of a curb bit for watering.
Loose rings for movement in the horse's mouth
The most widespread representative among the bits is probably theWater snaffle. The mouthpiece ends on both sides in continuous rings, through which the mouthpiece can move. As a result, the transmission of the rein aid is gently dampened by a slight movement of the ring. The general Mobility of the mouthpiece ensures that most horses accept the bit well. This is why this bit is particularly for training young horses or also for Beginners very popular, but is basically suitable for all training levels of horse and rider. When the reins are picked up, the resulting Pressure over the tongue on thelower jaw forwarded to the horse.
Single and double jointed water snaffle
Both models are tried and tested classics in equestrian sport.
TheWater snaffle, single jointed consists of two bit shanks that are joined in the middle. When the reins are tightened, the center of the mouthpiece straightens accordingly, so that the Pressure is increased on the edges of the tongue and the Center of the tongue is relieved. If the impact is too strong or the bit does not fit, this can lead to the well-known 'nutcracker effect'.
TheDouble jointed water snaffle has an olive that connects the two bit shanks in the middle. This means that the two bit shanks cannot line up, as is the case with the single-broken water snaffle and the Pressure of the rein aid distributed over a larger area of the tongue. Especiallymore sensitive horses react very positively to the more extensive distribution.
Stangengebiss mit losen Ringen
Schon etwas spezieller sind Stangengebisse mit losen Ringen. Was gleich bleibt ist die Beweglichkeit des Mundstücks durch die losen Ringe.
Mit einem Stangengebiss ist eine einseitige Hilfengebung nicht möglich, dein Pferd sollte also für Wendungen gut über Schenkel- und Gewichtshilfen zu reiten sein. Die Druckverteilung der Zügelhilfe erstreckt sich bei einem geraden Stangengebiss gleichmäßig über die gesamte Zunge. Stangengebisse mit Zungenfreiheit, wie z.B. das Satinox Stangengebiss, bieten Pferden mit besonders dicken und fleischigen Zungen mehr Platz und üben erst bei stärkerem Zügelanzug Druck auf die Mitte der Zunge aus. Zusätzlich findet die Übertragung der Zügelhilfe direkter statt und das Gebiss liegt ruhiger im Pferdemaul als eine doppelt oder einfach gebrochene Wassertrense.
Sensogan water snaffles
We recommend our Sensogan water snaffles to make the new water snaffle particularly palatable for your horse. The copper contained in the alloy specifically stimulates the horse's chewing activity, so the bit is well accepted and at the same time the jaw muscles are loosened by the chewing movement. For a happy and motivated horse.
You can recognize the SPRENGER Sensogan bits by the black ring on the side parts.