Why use a full cheek snaffle bit?

by Felicitas, February 02, 2024

Full cheek snaffles at a glance

Side pieces: fixed, straight side pieces

Mouthpiece: single jointed, double jointed, straight mullen mouth, mullen mouth with port

Fit: If the bridle is buckled correctly, the side piece should fit the corner of the mouth on the left and right without pinching it. To achieve this, choose a size smaller than for the water snaffle with continuous rings.

Our favourite products: MAX-Control full cheek snaffle, NATHE full cheek snaffle, Dynamic RS full cheek snaffle, SATINOX full cheek snaffle, TURNADO full cheek snaffle

Full cheek snaffle action

How does a full cheek snaffle work? Similar to D-ring bits or eggbut bits, the full cheek snaffle has fixed side pieces that ensure that the bit is held steady in the horse's mouth. The side pieces of this bit provide an even clearer lateral boundary for the horse. This facilitates riding turns in particular, as the position of the side piece at the corner of the mouth additionally supports the limitation on the outside rein. In order for the full cheek bit to work optimally, the side pieces should really lie against the corner of the mouth without pinching the lips. To achieve this, you should generally choose a size smaller than for loose ring snaffles.

The full cheek snaffle is particularly suitable for horses that tend to break away over the shoulder or have a restless mouth and play too much with the mouthpiece of a ring snaffle.

Single jointed or full cheek snaffle with lozenge

The single jointed full cheek snaffle has two bit shanks that are connected by a joint. With this mouthpiece, the pressure of the rein aid is increasingly directed towards the edges of the tongue, thereby relieving the centre of the tongue.

In contrast, the full cheek snaffle with lozenge has a centre piece that connects the two bit shanks in the middle. This distributes the pressure of the rein aid evenly over the entire tongue. Particularly sensitive horses react better to the latter model.

SPRENGER full cheek snaffles

The SPRENGER MAX-Control full cheek snaffle

The MAX-Control full cheek bit has a double jointed mouthpiece that locks when the reins are tightened and quickly forms into a bar. This enables precise communication. As soon as the horse gives way, the effect diminishes and the MAX-Control bit returns to a normal double jointed mouthpiece.

NATHE full cheek snaffle

Like all our NATHE bits, the NATHE full cheek snaffle is made of high-quality thermoplastic. This material is smooth and, unlike rubber bits, does not have an eraser effect. The flexible mullen mouth with steel core has a slight port, which supports direct transmission of the rein aid. At the same time, the sidespieces of the bit provide a clear lateral limitation, especially when riding turns. The NATHE full cheek snaffle bit has soft rubber bit guards for additional protection of the corners of the mouth.

TURNADO full cheek snaffle

Our TURNADO bits made of stainless steel or Sensogan have a joint inclined forwards by 45°, which ensures an even contact surface. The fixed side part of the TURNADO full cheek snaffle allows the rein aid to be transferred directly to the edges of the tongue and the lower bars. The sides provide a clear lateral boundary and support when riding turns.

Dynamic RS shank snaffle

Do you want to support your horse when riding turns without compromising on the bit? Then our Dynamic RS snaffles are just the thing. Available with a single or double jointed mouthpiece, the perfect bit can be found for every horse. Like all other Dynamic RS models, the centerpiece is turned forwards by 45° and is therefore positioned anatomically correct between the tongue and palatal arch. The optimum fit promotes a trusting contact and guarantees effective aid transmission. The fixed parts also ensure a stable position in the horse's mouth.

Find your new loose ring snaffle at SPRENGER

part of your passion.


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