SPRENGER explains bit materials - SENSOGAN, StainlessSteel, Thermoplastic & More

by Felicitas, February 15, 2024

Spoilt for choice when it comes to materials

In today's world of bits, there is not only a great variety of models, but also of materials. Which bit material has which advantage and what are the disadvantages? Find out more in our blog post.


Our nickel-free SENSOGAN consists of copper, manganese and zinc and is a refinement of the AURIGAN alloy developed by SPRENGER. It has a lower copper concentration without losing its positive oxidizing properties. As a result, it stimulates the horse's chewing activity even more specifically and at the same time is somewhat easier to care for and retains its shiny surface longer. At this point, due to the many customer questions we receive time and again, we would like to mention that not all golden bits have the same chewing stimulating properties as our tried and tested SENSOGAN. The golden color is due to the copper it contains. Depending on the composition of the additional materials contained in the alloy, the natural oxidation process of the copper is prevented and only the golden color is retained. You can recognize our SENSOGAN bits by the black ring on the side parts. The copper proportion in the bit ensures that the material warms up quickly, which makes the bit comfortable in the horse's mouth even on cold days. In addition, our bits are toxicologically tested and are also ideal for horses with material intolerances to e.g. nickel. In principle, we only use the highest quality raw materials for all our products.

Quality made in Germany

Our SENSOGAN bits are the very core of our bit production. They are manufactured entirely by hand in North Rhine-Westphalia - from the alloy to the shiny polished bit in its packaging. At our production site in Iserlohn, the metal bars are first melted down and transformed over 25 steps into the shiny gold bits you know. This allows us to monitor the manufacturing process from A-Z and guarantee our unique quality. "Quality Made in Germany" is not just an empty phrase for us, we stand 100% behind our SENSOGAN alloy and its positive properties. Both professional riders and leisure riders have been relying on SENSOGAN bits for years.

You'd like to convince yourself of the quality of our bits? We will be happy to advise you, simply contact us via the support button at the bottom right of the page or contact your specialist dealer, some dealers also offer the opportunity to test SPRENGER bits.


AURIGAN bits from SPRENGER are the predecessors of today's SENSOGAN bits. The alloy of copper, silicon and zinc stimulates salivation and chewing activity. This in turn has a positive effect on the horse's concentration and willingness to perform. The high quality of the SPRENGER bits ensures that many AURIGAN bits still continue to give pleasure to their owners today.

Stainless steel bits

Stainless steel is the classic among bit materials. The material is particularly easy to care for and robust. Stainless steel bits can be hollow or solid and therefore vary greatly in weight. In contrast to other alloys that contain copper, for example, stainless steel bits are neutral in taste and odor and therefore do not additionally encourage chewing. Very simple stainless steel bits have no special features in terms of shape or surface. Our SPRENGER Satinox bits are characterized by their satin finish mouthpiece. The matt surface not only looks particularly elegant, but also ensures a pleasant feeling on the tongue. The curved shape leaves plenty of room for the tongue and ensures even pressure distribution. The range offers a wide variety at an entry-level price: from the classic water snaffle to the Pelham, everyone will find what they are looking for, whether dressage or show jumping rider.


If you are looking for an entry-level price but prefer a nickel-free alloy and don't want to compromise on the usual SPRENGER quality, you should choose CopperPLUS bits. The aluminum-copper alloy is easily recognizable by its golden color and, like stainless steel, does not have any chewing stimulating properties. (Please note again: not all gold-colored bits are made of SENSOGAN. The color says nothing about the oxidation capacity of the alloy. Our SENSOGAN is also nickel-free and does not interfere with the oxidation process of the copper due to its special composition. This is the only way to stimulate chewing activity and saliva production).

Rubber Bits

Rubber bits have a rougher surface, which can lead to a so-called 'eraser effect'. You should therefore make sure that your horse salivates enough with a rubber bit so that this does not occur. Rubber bits then prove to be mouth-friendly all-rounders that are also popular with young and sensitive horses.

Thermoplastic Bits

In contrast to rubber, plastic bits have a smooth surface that prevents an eraser effect. Our Nathe bits are made of thermoplastic. This material is food-safe, solvent-free, and hypoallergenic. It is also a poor conductor of heat, which ensures that the bit remains at a comfortable temperature even in winter. The properties of NATHE bits can therefore have a positive effect on your four-legged friend's satisfaction and willingness to perform. However, as the material is softer than metal, it is more susceptible to tooth marks or biting. As this should not happen if used correctly, we do not offer any guarantee on breakage due to biting with our Nathe and DUO bits. However, many models are equipped with a steel core for additional safety.

Find your new bit at SPRENGER

part of your passion.


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