Der Sommer steht in den Startlöchern und bei vielen läuft die Urlaubsplanung schon in vollen Zügen. Ein immer wieder gern geplanter Urlaub? Der Strandurlaub mit Hund!
Damit Dein nächster Urlaub mit Hund am Meer ein voller Erfolg wird, verraten wir Dir, was Du beachten solltest und über welche Regeln Du Dich vorab unbedingt informieren solltest.
Was muss ich mit Hund am Strand beachten?
Du willst mit Deinem Hund zum ersten Mal einen Strand besuchen? Super! Bevor Ihr Euch auf den Weg macht, ist es wichtig, sich darüber zu informieren, auf was Du achten musst. Wir haben Dir die wichtigsten Regeln und Punkte zusammengefasst:
- Halt Dich an die Hundehalter-Netiquette: Lass Deinen Hund nicht ungefragt zu anderen Hunden laufen, sammele Hundehaufen auf und entsorge sie entsprechend, lass Deinen Hund nicht ohne zuverlässigen Rückruf von der Leine und achte bei der Verwendung von Spielzeug darauf, keine Konflikte zwischen Hunden zu verursachen. Im Grunde gelten hier also dieselben Regeln wie bei allen Spaziergängen!
- Nimm Rücksicht auf andere Badende und Strandbesucher. Gerade an Badestränden, die Hunde erlauben ist Rücksicht geboten, damit das auch so bleibt. Da nicht Jeder Hunde mag und manch einer sogar Angst vor Hunden hat, solltest Du Deinen Hund sich niemals ungefragt fremden Leuten nähern lassen. Kinderspielzeug, Essen oder Bälle gehören für viele Urlauber in die Strandtasche und können für Hunde verführerisch sein – behalte Deinen Hund also immer im Auge und halte Ihn vom Eigentum anderer fern. Besondere Vorsicht ist auch bei Kindern geboten, gerade wenn diese keine Hunde kennen oder Dein Hund keine Kinder kann es hier schnell zu Unfällen kommen, denk deshalb daran, dass Du für die Sicherheit und das Verhalten Deines Hundes die Verantwortung trägst!
- Nimm ausreichend Trinkwasser für Deinen Hund mit, wenn Du Salzwasserstrände besuchst. Gerade bei langen Strandtagen solltest Du zusätzlich auch ausreichend Futter und Leckerchen mitbringen, vermeide dabei aber große Mahlzeiten zu füttern, da sich bei anschließendem Toben der Magen verdrehen kann. Achte außerdem darauf, Deinem Hund nur Leckerchen/Futter zu geben, wenn keine anderen Hunde in der Nähe sind, um mögliche Konflikte durch Futterneid zu vermeiden.
- Denk an eine Reiseapotheke (für Dich und Deinen Hund)! Im Sand verstecken sich leider öfter Glasscherben, spitze Steine oder Muscheln, an denen Ihr euch verletzen könnt. Erste-Hilfe und Wundreinigung sind hier wichtig, um Entzündungen vorzubeugen.
Are dogs allowed on the beach?
Here applies:Always research and follow the local rules.If you can't find any reliable information online, there should normally be signs on every beach stating whether dogs are allowed or not. If there is no corresponding sign, this does not mean that dogs are automatically prohibited. Ask the lifeguards/bathing attendants (without a dog) or ask the local tourist information office.
In general, dogs are not allowed on beaches during the summer season - especially if there are dog beaches nearby.
When are dogs allowed on the beach?
It is difficult to give a general answer to this question, as the regulations can vary depending on the country, region or city. As a rough guide, however, you can remember the following:Dogs are not allowed on most beaches from April to the end of September, sometimes even at the end of October.In many places, however, there are special Dog beaches where dogs are allowed all year round and the dogs can move freely.
Should dogs be showered after the sea?
Yes!Even if salt water is not fundamentally harmful or dangerous for the dog's coat or skin,the salt contained in combination with the sand can rub on the skin like sandpaper after drying and thus lead to unpleasant irritation. For this reason, it is important to shower your dog with fresh water and remove sand and dirt with a brush.
What do you need for a beach vacation with your dog?
For a nice day at the beach with your dog, the right equipment in advance is the be-all and end-all! That's why we've given youA list of must-have equipment for a day at the beach with your dogSummarized here:
- Drinking water and bowl/dog water bottle
- Treats/dog food
- Leash/tow leash
- Geschirr/Collar
- Dog tag with contact information
- Dog towel
- Floating Hundespielzeug
- Dog waste bag
- Hundedecke
- Erste-Hilfe-Set
- Dog sun cream especially for short-haired/light-colored dogs, for example for the sensitive ears or nose mirror
- Dog brush/dog grooming brushFor removing sand and dirt
The right collar for a beach vacation with your dog!
During a beach visit, your dog's collar is exposed to all kinds of stresses: salty seawater, blazing sun and sand that gets everywhere, are just some of the challenges that a collar has to overcome during a beach vacation.
Our recommendation for a beach vacation with your dog is therefore our high-qualityStainless steel chain collars. Made from solid material in Germany, they undergo various manufacturing processes that not only make them safe and robust, but also absolutely rustproof and seawater-resistant!
More about ourDifferent materials for chain collars and their advantages and disadvantagesYou can find out more in our blog post on the topicKettenhalsband Hund Material.
We recommend ourModels with SPRENGER hook,so the chain can be adjusted to suit the situation, cannot tighten undesirably and choke the dog even in exciting, strange situations and can be removed quickly and easily during wild romps on the beach with other dogs to eliminate any potential for injury.
The chain comes in 3 mm and 4 mm wire thickness and is perfect for a wide variety of dog breeds - from water-loving Labradors to sporty German Shepherds. The airy links also help to reduce hair breakage in dogs with long or fine coatsfor dogs with long or fine coats.
Dog beach vacation bundle
Are you in the process of packing all the important things for your next beach vacation and you're still missing a few things for your dog? No problem!
With ourDog beach vacation dog bundle you have the basic equipment right at hand and save money too:
The perfect seawater-resistant all-rounder dog collar for all kinds of vacations and adventures, as well as everyday wear! Due to the solid material, no coating or color can peel, rub off or fade - so you can enjoy this chain necklace for more than just one bathing season.
Still quite new in the range and already a favorite and perfect for any vacation by the water:Our dog toy Soft Bringsel M floats!The hand loop makes it easy to throw the toy and can therefore give your dog a great workout and exercise. Thanks to the softer material, your dog can easily grab the toy even in the water and when wet and doesn't swallow too much water when swimming.
Every beach day has to come to an end. Before you shower off with clean fresh water at your accommodation, you should free your dog from sand and dirt.This is not only more pleasant for your dog - anyone who has ever had sand in their socks or trousers knows what we're talking about! - but also helps to keep your car and vacation home free(er) of sand. Our dog brush helps you to gently remove sand and dried dirt with its strong bristles. Its compact sizeCompact size It is perfect for the beach bag, rucksack or for storage in the car.