Sprenger Magazine

Welches Gebiss wenn Pferd sich auf den Zügel legt?

Which bit when horse leans on bit?

Your horse leans heavily on the bit and you are wondering whether this could be due to the bit? We look at possible causes and offer solutions.

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SPRENGER Steigbügel: Sicherheit, Komfort und Eleganz für jeden Reiter


Discover the SPRENGER stirrups that offer safety, comfort and elegance for every rider! Our high-quality models are perfect for leisure and competition riders and guarantee durability. With SPRENGE...

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fair Rider Sporen

fairRider Spurs

Do you already know our fair rider spurs? They are pioneers in horse-friendly riding and, with their wide impulse area, offer particularly gentle yet effective aids.

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Welpen Ausstattung: Ausrüstung, Tipps & Formalitäten

Puppy equipment: Gear, tips & formalities

When a new puppy moves in, an exciting time full of fun and doubt begins. We'll tell you everything you need to know!

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Welches Halsband für Hundesport?

Which collar for dog sports?

From agility and canicross to dog dancing - there is a suitable sport and the right equipment for every dog and dog owner. Find out what these are in working dog sports here!

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Wie finde ich das passende Gebiss?

How Do I Find the Right Bit?

Bits are the most widely used means of communication with horses. In this article, you will find out what you need to consider when choosing the ideal bit for your horse. This is the only way to en...

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Wie finde ich die passenden Sporen?

How to find the best spurs

Spurs have to be earned. But what happens when you have reached that point? What do beginners need to bear in mind to prevent the horse from becoming blunt due to improper use of spurs? There are s...

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Olivenkopfgebiss und D-Ring Gebiss - Rahmengebende Allrounder für alle Ausbildungsstände

Eggbut & D-Ring Bits – The perfect framework for All Levels of Training

Eggbutt bits are an absolute all-rounder and can probably be found in every stable. Here you can find out which mouthpieces are available, the advantages of an eggbutt snaffle or D-ring bit and whi...

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Warum eine Schenkeltrense?

Why use a full cheek snaffle bit?

With its pronounced side pieces, the full cheek snaffle is even more restrictive than eggbut bits. Here you can find out which mouthpieces are available, what advantages a full cheek snaffle has an...

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SPRENGER Gebisse testen

Testing SPRENGER Bits

Wondering which bit is right for your horse? We can help you! With bit fittings, test centers and lots of videos and blog posts, we explain what you should look out for when choosing a bit.

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Die Form macht’s – Dynamic RS, novocontact, TURNADO, KK ULTRA und MAX Control

It's All About Shape - Dynamic RS, novocontact, TURNADO and KK ULTRA, MAX Control

SPRENGER product lines under the microscope: what special features does each model have and for which horse characteristics is it suitable?

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Gelenksteigbügel bei Knieproblemen

Stirrups for Knee Problems

SPRENGER stirrups with intelligent System-4 joint protect tendons, ligaments and joints and allow a springy movement when riding for more riding comfort and a better seat.

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