by Felicitas, June 05, 2024
altes dynamic rs aurigan gebiss
altes dynamic rs aurigan gebiss

When should I replace a bit?

Apart from the fact that you should replace the bit if it doesn't fit your horse properly or if it is unhappy with it (you can read more about this in our blog post 'Does my bit fit'), there are other criteria that make replacement necessary. You can see an example in the pictures: this AURIGAN bit has served well for years and was polished up again for the pictures, but it should no longer be used. Due to the long use and the resulting natural wear and tear process, the bit joints are clearly worn out and already have an oval shape. As a result, the bit no longer has its original size. Apart from that, not all imperfections can be removed by polishing. Although there are no sharp edges, the surface is no longer uniformly smooth and comfortable for the horse. If your bit looks similar, it is high time to replace the old treasure.

How to properly clean your Sprenger bit?

Not quite as bad as our example above? Then a simple cleaning of the bit will do the trick. Correct care also ensures that you will enjoy your SPRENGER products for a long time.

Have you been wondering how to care for your Sprenger bit properly? You are probably already doing a lot of things right, because rinsing with water after every ride is the be-all and end-all. This not only makes it easier to keep the bit clean, as feed and saliva residues cannot stick to it, but also ensures that no dried residues can be unpleasant for your horse during the next ride. Feed and saliva residues often settle in the sensitive corners of the mouth and can cause sores. If you do find more persistent dirt, you can use a small brush to help.

For that extra shine

When it comes to a proper spring clean, it's time for a little more thorough cleaning and care of the bit. Our Diamond Paste is an environmentally friendly metal polish that brings your bits, spurs and stirrups back to a high shine. The micro-particles of polish not only provide shine, but also remove minor imperfections. The Diamond Paste is food-safe, skin-friendly, and free from fragrances and toxins. You can also use it to perfectly clean materials such as SENSOGAN, AURIGAN, copper and brass.

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Using Diamond Paste metal polish correctly

Would you like to give your horse's bit a real polish? Then simply apply a small amount of Sprenger Diamond Paste with a soft cloth and spread it evenly over the bit and polish until no more polish residue is visible. Then rinse the bit again under clean water and - BING! - looks like new.


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