Foal Harness

by Felicitas, March 01, 2024

Advantages of the foal harness

May we introduce our revolutionary foal harness, a real game changer for handling foals.

  • allows for more control in the first few weeks of the foal's life

  • avoids pressure on the sensitive neck

  • minimizes the risk of injury

  • can be used on its own or with a halter

  • grows with the foal thanks to adjustment options

  • can be combined with our leash for more grip

How the foal harness came about

Did you know that the inspiration for our foal harness came from a true story within #TEAMSPRENGER? Little Diacoré, who you can see romping across the meadow in the pictures, was born with a hernia and had to undergo surgery shortly after birth. To prevent the surgical suture from tearing open, "controlled movement" was the order of the day. A real challenge with such a little bundle of energy. Especially as the foal's neck is particularly sensitive in the first few weeks of life and the little ones are not born with a halter. So, on the advice of her vet, my colleague quickly resorted to using a harness - so that the poll could be spared and the foal still be led in a controlled manner. The positive experience we witnessed first-hand inspired us to share this innovation with you!

Safely leading foals

When foaling season begins, the sight of cute foals frolicking in the meadows fills our hearts with joy. But behind the scenes there is often a challenge: safely leading these energetic powerhouses from the stable to the pasture. This is where Sprenger's foal harness comes in - a ground-breaking solution designed to ensure optimum control and safety for our youngest equine companions.


Function of the foal harness

Designed specifically for the unique needs of newborn foals, the Foal Harness offers a wealth of benefits that redefine standards. Here are the reasons why it's an absolute must-have:

fohlengeschirr orange fuchsfohlen

Control and comfort

In the crucial first weeks of a foal's life, it is important to guide it gently without putting undue pressure on its sensitive neck. SPRENGER's foal harness strikes this delicate balance, allowing the user to maintain control while minimizing the risk of discomfort or injury to the foal. Our colleague also says that her foal much prefers the harness to a halter. This may also be due to the fact that we touch the foals more on the body than on the head, making the touch of the harness less unfamiliar.

More grip with the rubberized leash

If you want extra grip when leading the foal, we recommend our rubberized leash from the dog sports range. The woven-in rubber coating ensures a good grip in the hand, while the reflective strips (which can also be found on the foal harness) offer better visibility in the dark.


At SPRENGER, we believe in providing horse owners with innovative solutions that prioritize the well-being of our beloved four-legged friends. Beyond its practical benefits, the foal harness embodies our commitment and desire to think ahead and promote the connection between humans and horses in the long term.

So as you prepare for the upcoming foaling season, equip yourself with the new foal harness and accompany your foal safely and comfortably through its first weeks of life.

What Diacorés owner Kira herself says about the foal harness:

Diacoré originally had to wear the harness because he unfortunately had a hernia immediately after birth and had to be operated on. Afterwards, he was only allowed to be moved in a controlled manner so that the surgical suture didn't tear. You can imagine that this is not so easy with a foal. In addition, foals are very sensitive in the neck, especially in the first week, i.e. too much pressure (e.g. if the foal works itself fully into the halter) can sometimes even cause permanent damage. With the harness we had him much better under control without damaging the sensitive neck. We realized how much more sensible it is to lead a foal with a harness instead of a halter at the beginning. To get from the stable to the meadow, we have to cross a small road. There's not much traffic on it, but it's still there. I don't want to let my foal run free there. After the surgery, Diacoré was only allowed to move in a controlled manner - that means not running so fast that he stretches properly and doesn't slip away so that the surgical suture doesn't tear. So we had the choice between 1. leaving him in the stall for 4 weeks - 2. leading him with a halter and, if he got all hung up on the halter (foals are not born with a halter after all), accepting permanent damage to his neck in case of doubt or 3. leading him additionally on a harness to allow a bit of movement and to control him better - without damaging the sensitive neck.

part of your passion.


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