How to Avoid the Nutcracker Effect Horse

by Felicitas, May 03, 2024

Our TURNADO bits are available as classic loose ring snaffles made from stainless steel or from the popular SENSOGAN. The range also includes full cheek snaffles and 3-ring snaffle bits and, due to high demand, the TURNADO SENSOGAN is now also available as eggbut bit. In the following article, we explain exactly what is behind this popular bit.

sprenger turnado gebiss wassertrense mit sandstrahlung

What is hidden behind the sandblasting in the middle?

The innovative joint, which is turned forwards by 45°, means that the contact surface is the same length on both sides of the tongue. This distinguishes our TURNADO from conventional single jointed bits. In all single jointed models, one bit shank is always shorter than the other, which results in uneven pressure distribution on the tongue. It is therefore advisable to turn these bits regularly to alternate the pressure in the mouth. This is not the case with the TURNADO bits, because the even contact surface due to the inclination of the joint makes the rotation unnecessary. At the same time, the shape helps to counteract the horse's natural crookedness.

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Nutcracker effect horse

You often hear the term 'nutcracker effect' in connection with single jointed bits. This means that when the reins are pulled hard, the bit straightens up at the joint and presses into the palate. At the same time, the bit presses hard on the side of the bars. But watch out! You can avoid this effect considerably with a suitable bit. To ensure even more comfort in the horse's mouth, we have tilted the joint of many of our single jointed bits forwards by 45°, so that the joint moves forwards instead of upwards when there is strong pressure on the reins. This avoids palatal pressure and the bit does not touch any uncomfortable points in the horse's mouth, as there is enough space for the joint at the front. In our Dynamic RS and TURNADO bit lines as well as the NATHE bits, the joint is rotated and avoids pressure on the palate.

TURNADO stainless steel or SENSOGAN bits

TURNADO stainless steel bits are available at an entry-level price, while the models made of SENSOGAN are somewhat more expensive, but can additionally have a positive effect on acceptance and a supple topline. Our SENSOGAN alloy of copper, manganese, and zinc specifically stimulates the flow of saliva so that the horse starts to chew. The chewing movement loosens the jaw muscles and can therefore have a positive effect on an overall supple topline.

TURNADO bits for young horses?

We generally recommend our KK ULTRA loose ring snaffle for breaking in young horses, as the straight shape also fits well in mouths with a lot of lip and the double-jointed shape ensures an even contact surface. However, the TURNADO is ideal for horses that find pressure on the middle of the tongue uncomfortable, as the rings of a loose ring snaffle gently cushion movements of the horse's mouth (and the rider's hand), while the 45° rotation of the joint ensures an even contact surface for the single jointed bit. The TURNADO loose ring snaffle from SENSOGAN makes the bit even more 'palatable' for your young horse and promotes acceptance and chewing.

Who are TURNADO bits suitable for?

TURNADO loose ring snaffles are real all-rounders and are suitable for horses of all ages and training levels. The TURNADO is also available as a snaffle bit. And due to high demand, the two eggbut models are brand new, although the mouthpiece is only available in SENSOGAN. The eggbut bit lies more steadily in the mouth than the loose ring snaffle thanks to the fixed side pieces. At the same time, the rein aid is transferred more directly to the tongue and lower jaw.

The TURNADO full cheek snaffle and the baucher bit are currently only available in stainless steel.


TURNADO full cheek snaffle

Like any other full cheek snaffle, the TURNADO full cheek snaffle offers a lateral limitation due to the pronounced side parts and thus supports when riding turns, especially with horses that tend to break out over the shoulder, a full cheek snaffle can prove to be a good choice. Due to the fixed side piece, the rein aid is transferred directly to the tongue and lower jaw. The 45° rotation of the bit joint, which is typical of all TURNADO bits, also ensures an even contact surface for both bit parts.

TURNADO 3-ring bit

Our TURNADO range is completed by the 3-ring bit, which is also available with a stainless steel or SENSOGAN mouthpiece. 3 ring bits are suitable in the further course of training for horses that make themselves strong and try to evade the aids upwards. The 3 rings allow different possibilities of rein buckling, whereby the pressure on the poll can be varied. The 3 ring bit can be used with 2 pairs of reins or with Pelham straps. Of course, one pair of reins can also be used and can be buckled into either the large middle ring or the small lower ring. We only recommend this bit for riders with a sensitive hand.

Buckling the SPRENGER TURNADO bit correctly

Due to the rotation of the joint in the middle, it is important that the bit is buckled in correctly. There is a small arrow stamped on one side of the mouthpiece, which must point forwards on the left-hand side. The bit can only be effective if it is correctly buckled in and the correct size has been selected. As mentioned above, regular rotation is not necessary with TURNADO bits.

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