SPRENGER goes Icelandic - Perfectly equipped for Icelandic horse sport with SPRENGER

by Felicitas, June 28, 2024

Icelandic horse sport has become increasingly popular in recent years. These robust, versatile horses from the far north fascinate not only with their special gaits, but also with their unique character. Anyone who has ever experienced these wonderful horses will soon be impressed by their grace and power. But to be successful in Icelandic horse sport and ensure the well-being of the horses, you need high-quality and specially adapted equipment. At SPRENGER, we offer a finely tuned range that is perfectly tailored to the needs of Icelandic horses and their riders. In this blog post, we present the most important products from the SPRENGER range for Icelandic horse sport.

Icelandic bits: Best communication for your Icelandic horse

With its physique, the Icelandic horse places special demands on its equipment. Despite their smaller body size, some have a head similar to that of a warmblood, which means that the choice of bits is quite large. But there are also breed representatives that have much more delicate heads and require a special pony or Icelandic bit. Bradoons with smaller rings are often chosen for this. The innovative anatomy of our bit lines is specially tailored to the conditions and space available in the horse's mouth to ensure the greatest possible comfort for your four-legged partner and at the same time enable subtle yet effective aids to be given.

Bits made of the SPRENGER alloy SENSOGAN also specifically stimulate the chewing activity of the Icelandic horse and thus additionally promote acceptance of the bit. The natural oxidation properties of the copper contained are retained by the combination with manganese and zinc and promote the flow of saliva. You can recognize all our SENSOGAN bits by the black rings on the side of the mouthpiece.

Which bit for my Icelandic horse?

As with any other horse, 4 steps are important to find the right bit for your Icelandic horse

  1. Step: The correct bit size (bit thickness and width)

  2. Step: The right mouthpiece

  3. Step: The right cheeks

  4. Step: The perfect material

To find the right bit size, you can use the so-called "2-finger test". To do this, place your index and middle fingers on top of each other at the point in the horse's mouth where the bit should be. If you feel pressure on your fingers when the incisors are closed, you should opt for a maximum bit thickness of 16 mm. Thicker versions can be chosen if you do not feel any pressure on your fingers.

You can determine the correct bit width by simply measuring a suitable bit. Alternatively, you can download the bit width gauge here, print it out and assemble it to measure. Remember that bits with fixed cheeks should be selected one size smaller in order to be able to develop their laterally limiting effect. For snaffles with loose rings, there should be approx. 0.5 cm space between the ring and the corner of the mouth so that the sensitive corners of the mouth are not pinched. You can find more details about the right bit in our blog post.

Single jointed, double jointed or would you prefer a mullen mouth bit?

It's not that easy to find the right mouthpiece - or is it? With single jointed bits, the pressure of the rein aids acts more on the edges of the tongue, taking the pressure off the middle of the tongue. In contrast, a double jointed bit distributes the pressure more evenly over the entire tongue and is particularly suitable for sensitive horses. Both mouthpieces are frequently used in all disciplines and at all levels of training and are among the absolute classics.

Somewhat more specialized are mullen mouth bits, which can be straight or have a tongue-free shape. These bits are suitable for experienced horse-rider pairs who have completed solid basic training, as one-sided aids and the development of flexion and bending are difficult to achieve, which is why the horse should react sufficiently to leg and weight aids.

Loose ring snaffle, eggbut bit or curb bit / Pelham?

The requirements for the cheek piece depend on your Icelandic horse on the one hand and on the regulations of the competition (breeding vs. sport) in which you want to take part on the other. The continuous rings of the loose ring snaffle gently cushion the rein aids and can therefore also dampen inexperienced rider's hands or a restless horse's mouth. Fixed side pieces, such as those on eggbut bits, D-ring bits or Full Cheek snaffles, provide the horse with lateral restraint if they fit correctly and can therefore help when riding turns. Bits with leverage, such as the Pelham, are only suitable for experienced riders with a steady hand and a seat that is independent of the hand. In Icelandic equestrian sport, the Pelham is always ridden with two pairs of reins in order to ensure a clear difference between the influence of the snaffle reins and the double bridle reins. The curb rein should never be shorter than the snaffle rein and is usually slimmer than the snaffle rein.

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Spoilt for choice when it comes to material

We don't just want to provide the greatest possible comfort in the horse's mouth for traditional warmbloods. The Icelandic horse should also feel comfortable with its bit. In addition to the classic stainless steel bits, our range includes thermoplastic bits from NATHE and the tried and tested SENSOGAN bits. The latter are made from SPRENGER's own alloy of copper, manganese, and zinc, which specifically stimulates the flow of saliva and therefore has a positive effect on your Icelandic horse's acceptance and chewing activity.

Sprenger Dynamic RS Icelandic bit

The Dynamic RS Icelandic bit from SPRENGER is an excellent choice for Icelandic horses. The sizes of 95-115 mm are particularly suitable for petite mouths, such as those of ponies and some Icelandic horses. It promotes contact and ensures even pressure distribution in the horse's mouth. The special shape of the mouthpiece and the innovative joint design with the 45° rotation support a gentle and effective action, which is particularly advantageous for fine work in tölt and pass.

steigbuegel mit gedrehtre oese

SPRENGER stirrups for safety and comfort

SPRENGER Icelandic stirrups

Our special Icelandic stirrup with its curved shape makes it easier for the foot to slide out in the event of a fall. The stirrup leather eyelet is rotated by 90° to bring the rider's leg closer to the horse. It also makes it easier to pick up the stirrup again. A small comfort that makes many things easier. The high-quality black rubber inlay offers your foot a secure grip.

The SPRENGER ISI stirrup is like our classic Fillis stirrup, but also has a 90° turned stirrup leather loop. Made from high-quality stainless steel, they are a timeless companion for all Icelandic riders. Here too, the robust rubber inlay provides a firm grip, while the stirrup leather eyelet forces the stirrup to be positioned optimally on the leg and makes it much easier to pick up the stirrup.

System 4 stirrups with 90° turned eyelet

All the advantages of the System 4 stirrup and an innovatively rotated stirrup leather eyelet make this stirrup popular not only with Icelandic riders. The popular System 4 joint protects the rider's tendons, ligaments and joints and allows a flexible foot movement. The 90° rotated stirrup leather eyelet not only makes it easier to pick up the stirrup, but also promotes a calm, stable leg position. This version of the System 4 stirrup is already very popular in Icelandic equestrian sport, so why not try it out for yourself!

SPRENGER Bow Balance stirrups

The Bow Balance stirrups from Sprenger offer exceptional comfort and safety for Icelandic horse riders thanks to their special design. The jointed stirrups allow flexible movement and protect the joints in the knees and hocks. The wider tread surface and non-slip rubber inlay ensure a secure grip, even on long rides or demanding gaits such as pass and tölt.

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SPRENGER spurs for precise aids

Spurs are also an important aid in Icelandic horse sport to support precise aids. The ULTRA fit Extra Grip spurs from Sprenger are made of stainless steel and have a special rubber coating that provides additional grip on the boot and is gentle on the boot leather at the same time. Like all ULTRA fit models, they can be individually adjusted to the boot by bending them to ensure a perfect fit. Our SPRENGER spurs are available with a variety of neck ends, as rowel spurs, ball rowel spurs or spurs with a rounded spike and in different lengths, so that every horse and rider pair can find exactly the right support to enable a fine and targeted effect without overstraining the horse.

ICELANDIC-RIDING with SPRENGER - what are you waiting for?

With SPRENGER products for Icelandic horse sport, you are ideally equipped to get the best out of your training and competitions. The high-quality materials, well thought-out ergonomics and precise workmanship ensure that you and your Icelandic horse are optimally supported. Whether bits, stirrups, spurs or practical accessories - SPRENGER offers everything the Icelandic rider's heart desires. Discover the variety and quality of SPRENGER and experience unforgettable moments with your Icelandic horse.

Find your new bit at SPRENGER

part of your passion.


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