by Isabel, January 12, 2024

SPRENGER CUROGAN chain collars

A chain collar doesn't always have to be black or gray and made of stainless steel: our CUROGAN chains come in a brilliant rose gold. But they can do more than just look good.

Read our guide to find out everything you need to know about CUROGAN as a material and the advantages of CUROGAN.

What kind of material is CUROGAN?

CUROGAN is a special alloy, this means a mixture of different metals, which is used in the manufacturing of dog chain collars. The alloy consists of copper and tin and contains no nickel.

You will only find this unique alloy at SPRENGER. All our CUROGAN chain collars are made of solid material.

What are the advantages of CUROGAN chain collars for dogs?

CUROGAN collars were developed for dogs that react to other materials and metals with coat discoloration. Thanks to the special mix of materials, CUROGAN collars are an alternative for over 90% of these dogs, allowing both dog and owner to benefit from the advantages of a metal chain collar.

Find out more about the advantages of chain collars here.

We generally recommend CUROGAN chains for dogs with light-colored or white fur in the neck area.


Thanks to the unique material, CUROGAN dog chains are particularly interesting for dog owners whose four-legged friends are allergic to nickel, as the absence of nickel minimizes the risk of skin irritation and allergic reactions.

Advantages of CUROGAN at a glance:

  • minimizes coat discoloration in (light/white) dogs

  • special copper alloy with high strength

  • solid material - polished

  • nickel-free

  • rust-free

  • recyclable – sustainable

  • care with our Diamond Paste (metal polish)

What are the disadvantages of CUROGAN as a material for dog collars?

CUROGAN is a somewhat softer material, which has two disadvantages:

CUROGAN chains have higher material abrasion in the links and should therefore be checked more frequently and replaced if damaged or heavily worn.

CUROGAN chains have a slightly lower strength compared to stainless steel. Accordingly, we recommend choosing a higher wire thickness than in a corresponding stainless steel chain collar.

How do I maintain a CUROGAN collar properly?

To clean a CUROGAN necklace effectively, it is usually sufficient to wipe it regularly with a soft cloth. More thorough cleaning may be necessary for more stubborn dirt. It is important to note that you should avoid aggressive cleaning agents or abrasive sponges, as these could damage the surface of the collar.

You can find out more about how to maintain your dog chain collars and other dog equipment here.


It is also recommended that you regularly check the collar for possible damage or loose connections. This not only ensures the safety of your dog, but also the longevity of the chain collar.

My CUROGAN chain has changed color - why and what can I do?

A dog collar should be robust and durable in order to withstand your dog's daily activities. Nevertheless, it can happen that your CUROGAN collar changes color over time. This darkening of the material is normal and happens naturally as part of daily use, but does not affect the safety, durability and quality of the chain.

To restore the original condition and shine of your CUROGAN chain, the chain can be cleaned with our SPRENGER polishing paste.

What CUROGAN collars are available for dogs?

SPRENGER CUROGAN dog chain collars impress with their material properties and aesthetics. Thanks to our wide range of chain types, lengths and wire thicknesses, they meet the needs of different dog breeds. This allows you to find the chain that suits you and your dog - even in CUROGAN!

CUROGAN collars with pull-through chain

Our CUROGAN collars with pull-through chains are available as 3mm medium chains, as well as 3mm and 4mm long link chains.

CUROGAN fursavers/chain collars without pull stop

Our CUROGAN chain collars without pull stop are available as long link chains in 3 mm and 4 mm, as medium chains in 3 mm and as chains with round links/armored chain in 3 mm wire thickness.

Why is there no CUROGAN collar with hook?

The great advantage of our dog collars with SPRENGER hooks is their adjustability and flexibility. However, in order for them to be just as durable and secure as closed chains, these hooks must be able to withstand a high load.

However, as CUROGAN is somewhat softer than stainless steel, we have not yet been able to produce CUROGAN hooks that meet our high quality standards.


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