VC® 17m ban - What are the alternatives?

by Felicitas, April 12, 2024

Why is VC® 17m banned?

Following testing of the product by the Finnish Agency for Safety and Chemicals (TUKES) for compliance with the EU Biocidal Products Regulation, International® has removed the antifouling from its product range. According to the new regulation, only products with a maximum copper dissolution rate of 15 µg/cm2/day may be used from now on. A transitional regulation provides for a period of 365 days for processing. The product will still be available on the market until 30.04.2024 while stocks last.

vc17m antifouling blau bootsfarbe

VC® 17m Advantages

If you are looking for a thin-layered and smooth antifouling, VC® 17m is the right choice. It dries within 20 minutes to a super smooth surface without sanding. Due to its uncomplicated application, VC® 17m is particularly popular with motor and sailing boats in the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean and in freshwater areas. The thin-film antifouling can still be used until 02.11.2024.


  • extremely smooth surface without sanding

  • multi-year performance

  • compatibility: GRP, wood, steel/iron, lead

  • can be applied to almost all existing antifoulings

  • coverage: 9-10m²/l

  • can be soaked in water after just 20 minutes

  • unlimited storage after painting

  • coatings: 2-3

  • 2 colors to choose from: graphite, blue


  • processing temperature should be above 5°C

  • contains biocides

b free explore biozidfreies antifouling

VC® 17m alternatives from International®

B-Free Explore - the new biocide-free anti-fouling product

B-Free Explore is a biocide-free anti-fouling product that controls fouling through smoothness and slip. The silicone-based anti-fouling also has a positive effect on fuel consumption thanks to the low-friction surface. A major advantage of B-Free Explore is its compatibility with all boat materials after prior priming. The extreme smoothness (equivalent to or even higher than VC® 17m) allows a fast boat to 'drive off' algae slime while underway.


  • biocide-free

  • smooth, slippery surface

  • multi-year performance

  • with the appropriate primer, B-Free Explore can be used on all types and sizes of boats (incl. aluminum, steel, GRP, wood)

  • easy cleaning of the surface, as fouling is difficult to adhere to

  • passive cleaning through friction in the water

  • 4 colors to choose from: black, navy blue, red, white

  • number of coats: 2-3

  • coverage: 9-10m²/l

  • drying time between 2-7 hours (depending on temperature)

  • B-Free can remain in water for approx. 2 years without repainting

vc offshore international antifouling

VC® Offshore EU

The high-performance antifouling VC® Offshore EU is suitable for all fouling conditions on motor & sailing boats. The product produces a very smooth and low friction surface that produces a hard smooth finish that can be polished with very fine wet sandpaper.


  • multi-year performance

  • compatibility: GRP, wood, steel/iron, lead

  • can be applied to almost all existing antifoulings (incl. VC® 17m)

  • yield: 10.8-12m²/l

  • drying time 30min, 1.5h between coats

  • maximum storage after painting: 6 months

  • coatings: 2-3

  • 4 colors to choose from: black, navy blue, red, white


  • application temperature should be between 5-35°C

  • contains biocides

Boat with existing coat of VC® 17m antifouling

The simplest option is to paint over with the hard antifouling VC® Offshore EU. Alternatively, you can switch to the biocide-free B-Free Explore. This silicone-based fouling protection prevents fouling due to the smooth surface, has a positive effect on fuel consumption and has a self-cleaning effect when moving in water. However, B-Free Explore is not compatible with traditional antifoulings, so VC® 17m must first be sanded off with 80-120 grit sandpaper. Then apply 1 coat of B-Free Conversion Coat, followed by 1 coat of B-Free Tiecoat and 2 coats of B-Free Explore. The new biocide-free fouling protection is finished. If you want to rebuild your boat, you will find more information in the following section.

Renewal with antifouling biocide-free

Renewal of underwater coatings with B-Free Explore: GRP

For uncoated GRP surfaces with osmosis protection, 5 coats of Gelshield® 200 are applied as a primer, followed by a coat of B-Free Tiecoat at intervals of 3 - max. 16 hours and 2 coats of B-Free Explore at intervals of 4 hours to max. 5 days.

Renewal of underwater coatings with B-Free Explore: Wood

Apply 3 coats of undiluted Interprotect® to the primer consisting of 1 coat of Interprotect® (diluted with 10-15% Thinner No.7). This is followed by one coat of B-Free Tiecoat and then 2 coats of B-Free Explore.

Renewal of underwater coatings with B-Free Explore: aluminum, lead, iron/steel

Apply 5 coats of undiluted Interprotect® to the primer consisting of 1 coat of Interprotect® (diluted with 10-15% Thinner No.7). This is followed by one coat of B-Free Tiecoat and then 2 coats of B-Free Explore.

Renewal of antifouling containing biocides

Renewal of underwater coatings with traditional antifouling: steel, lead

First apply 1 coat of Interprotect® (diluted with 10-15% Thinner No.7) as a primer, followed by 5 coats of undiluted Interprotect®. The International® antifouling (e.g. VC® Offshore) is then applied in 2-3 coats.

Renewal of underwater coatings with traditional antifouling: plywood

First apply 1 coat of Interprotect® (diluted with 10-15% Thinner No.7) as a primer, followed by 3 coats of undiluted Interprotect®. The International® antifouling (e.g. VC® Offshore) is then applied in 2-3 coats.

Renewal of underwater coatings with traditional antifouling: GRP

First apply 5 coats of Gelshield® 200 as a primer. The final International® antifouling (e.g. VC® Offshore) is applied in 2-3 coats.


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