It's All About Shape - Dynamic RS, novocontact, TURNADO and KK ULTRA, MAX Control

by Felicitas, March 15, 2024

Are you confused by the huge selection of bits on the market? This article is intended to give you an overview and briefly present the SPRENGER bit lines and their advantages.

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Our TURNADO bits are shaped in such a way that they allow an even distribution of pressure due to the special 45° inclination of the center, as both bit parts are the same length. In contrast to conventional bits, where this is not the case and therefore more pressure is always exerted on one side of the tongue edges than on the other, you do not have to turn the TURNADO bits regularly to change pressure peaks.

TURNADO bits are available in stainless steel or SENSOGAN and only in single jointed form. Thanks to the high demand, TURNADO bits are also available with eggbut side pieces as of now.

kk ultra gebisse uebersicht


The double jointed KK ULTRA bits get their unique and precise effect from the shortened lozenge, which is angled forward by 45°. This means that the shape of the bit adapts perfectly to the anatomy of the horse’s mouth. They enable a gentle impact, which is the basis for a finer aid transmission. A difference you will notice!

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WH ULTRA bits are also a further development of the KK ULTRA series. They combine the anatomically adapted shape of the KK mouthpiece with a unique roller in the lozenge. When the reins are taken up the lozenge rolls gently over the middle of the tongue, thereby stimulating the sense of touch and focusing attention on the bit, which leads to better acceptance of the rein aids. The rolling element encourages horses to play with the bit and thus promoted mouth activity and chewing, which in turn promotes relaxation of the jaw muscles. The WH ULTRA bit can thus lead to a relaxed topline, resulting in more harmony and suppleness when riding. Made from SENSOGAN, the WH ULTRA bits guarantee optimum acceptance and tolerance.

dynamic rs gebiss doppelt gebrochen wassertrense

Dynamic RS

The Sprenger Dynamic RS bits are a further development o the KK ULTRA bits. In addition to the special 45° angle of the centrepiece, the Dynamic RS bits from Sprenger also have an ergonomic shape that enables an effective and precise impact. The special shape also avoids pressure on the sensitive palate. When used correctly, the Dynamic RS bits promote a trusting contact even with sensitive horses. Especially for horses with a thick tongue. The eggbut models are suitable for horses that do not have too much lips, otherwise the sensitive corners of the mouth could be pinched.

novocontact gebisse uebersicht


The unique oval shape of the novocontact bits enable a wider contact surface on the tongue, while at the same time minimizing bit thickness. An innovation that is very well suited to the anatomy of todays’ breeding lines with little space in the mouth. The large contact surface enables soft rein aids without exerting pressure on the sensitive palate. The wide surface lies flush on the tongue when rein aids are applied. Only when a stronger aid is transmitted will the mouthpiece turn forward, reduce the contact surface and enable more precise aid transmission. Made from SENSOGAN, the range guarantees optimum compatibility. The novocontact series has something for everyone. From single and double jointed loose ring snaffles to pelhams and weymouths, Sprenger offers you a large variety of novocontact bits.

  • The single jointed novocontact models are particularly recommended for horses that do not seek the contact properly. They also enable a soft yet targeted impact on sensitive horses.

  • The double jointed novocontact bits prove their worth with horses that can occasionally become strong, but are too sensitive to bits with a stronger impact.

MAX Control

The Sprenger MAX Control bits are the clever solution for correcting horses or if you need a stronger impact in certain situations. If you ride with a soft contact, the bit is comparable to any normal double jointed model. If the horse starts to go against the reins, however, the bit locks up and becomes a mullen mouth. This allows for a stronger impact at that moment and immediately softens again when the horse also gives way.


This range of bits was developed with bit specialist Heiko Schmidt-Sentek, Jessica von Bredow-Werndl and Benjamin Werndl. In addition to a curved anatomical shape, the Pronamic bits feature a slight forward angles port. They are particularly suitable for horses that have completed a correct basic training. The special shape of the mouthpiece relieves the pressure on the lower bars and is therefore particularly suitable for sensitive horses and horses with a thin tongue. The bit allows an effective impact without having to become strong.


Our Satinox range is available at an attractive entry-level price. With a wide selection of mouthpieces and side pieces, everyone will find what they are looking for. In the usual Sprenger quality, the bits are made of stainless steel and have an ergonomic shape that leaves plenty of room for the horse's tongue. They ensure an even distribution of pressure which enables accurate aids to be given. The satin finish not only looks classy but also ensures a pleasant feeling in the horse's mouth.

part of your passion.


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